Mr. Tetsuo Kondo

Visiting Professor, Development and Global Health Policy
Former Director of the United Nations Development Programme Representation Office in Tokyo

Tetsuo Kondo is the former Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Representation Office in Tokyo.

He served as Country Director of UNDP Chad, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Kosovo, Senior Humanitarian Coordination Advisor of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor Leste, Senior Advisor of UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok, Special Advisor to the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General at the UN Mission for Assistance to Iraq, and Special Advisor to the Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships in UNDP New York.

Prior to the United Nations, he held various positions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, including Vice-President of UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board, First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, and Assistant Director of the Law of the Sea Office of Treaty Bureau.

He holds an M.A. in Development Studies from Jones International University (USA) and a B.A. in Economics from Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan).

He currently serves as visiting professor of development and global health policy at Sophia University, University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagasaki University, and Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

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